You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
3.8 KiB

* Copyright 2014-2016 Markus Prasser
* This file is part of Labcontrol.
* Labcontrol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Labcontrol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Labcontrol. If not, see <>.
#include <memory>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include "manualprintingsetup.h"
#include "ui_manualprintingsetup.h"
#include "Lib/settings.h"
extern std::unique_ptr< lc::Settings > settings;
lc::ManualPrintingSetup::ManualPrintingSetup( QWidget *argParent ) :
QWidget{ argParent },
ui{ new Ui::ManualPrintingSetup }
ui->setupUi( this );
if ( settings->dvipsCmd.isEmpty() || settings->latexCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->lcDataDir.isEmpty() || settings->lprCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->postscriptViewer.isEmpty() || settings->ps2pdfCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->rmCmd.isEmpty() || settings->vncViewer.isEmpty() ) {
ui->VLManualPrintingSetup->setEnabled( false );
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Receipts printing will not work" ),
tr( "Some component essential for receipts creation and"
" printing is missing. No receipts will be created or"
" printed." ), QMessageBox::Ok );
} else {
ui->CBReceiptsHeader->addItems( settings->installedLaTeXHeaders );
if ( settings->defaultReceiptIndex
&& settings->defaultReceiptIndex < ui->CBReceiptsHeader->count() ) {
ui->CBReceiptsHeader->setCurrentIndex( settings->defaultReceiptIndex );
lc::ManualPrintingSetup::~ManualPrintingSetup() {
delete ui;
void lc::ManualPrintingSetup::on_PBSelectFile_clicked() {
QFileDialog fileDialog{ this, tr( "Please choose a payment file to print." ),
QDir::homePath(), "*.pay" };
fileDialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFile );
fileDialog.setOption( QFileDialog::ReadOnly, true );
if ( fileDialog.exec() ) {
ui->PBSelectFile->setStyleSheet( "" );
const QString tmpFileName{ fileDialog.selectedFiles().at( 0 ) };
dateString = tmpFileName.split( '/', QString::KeepEmptyParts,
Qt::CaseInsensitive ).last()
.split( '.', QString::KeepEmptyParts,
Qt::CaseInsensitive ).first();
workPath = tmpFileName;
workPath.truncate( workPath.lastIndexOf( '/' ) );
void lc::ManualPrintingSetup::on_CBReceiptsHeader_activated( int argIndex ) {
Q_UNUSED( argIndex );
ui->CBReceiptsHeader->setStyleSheet( "" );
void lc::ManualPrintingSetup::on_ChBPrintAnonymousReceipts_clicked( bool argChecked ) {
ui->ChBPrintAnonymousReceipts->setStyleSheet( "" );
ui->LReplaceParticipantNames->setEnabled( argChecked );
ui->CBReplaceParticipantNames->setEnabled( argChecked );
void lc::ManualPrintingSetup::on_PBPrint_clicked() {
QString anonymousReceiptsPlaceholder;
if ( ui->ChBPrintAnonymousReceipts->isChecked() ) {
anonymousReceiptsPlaceholder = ui->CBReplaceParticipantNames->currentText();
emit RequestReceiptsHandler( workPath, ui->ChBReceiptsForLocalClients->isChecked(),
ui->CBReceiptsHeader->currentText(), dateString );