You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

888 lines
37 KiB

* Copyright 2014-2016 Markus Prasser
* This file is part of Labcontrol.
* Labcontrol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Labcontrol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Labcontrol. If not, see <>.
#include <memory>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include "localzleafstarter.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "manualprintingsetup.h"
#include "Lib/settings.h"
extern std::unique_ptr< lc::Settings > settings;
lc::MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *argParent ) :
QMainWindow{ argParent },
icons( static_cast< int >( icons_t::ICON_QUANTITY ) ),
ui{ new Ui::MainWindow }
ui->setupUi( this );
lablib = new Lablib{ this };
if ( valid_items ) {
gui_update_timer = new QTimer{ this };
connect( gui_update_timer, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &MainWindow::UpdateClientsTableView );
gui_update_timer->start( 500 );
/* session actions */
// Add z-Tree versions to the corresponding combo box
ui->CBzTreeVersion->addItem( tr( "Please choose a version:" ) );
ui->CBzTreeVersion->addItems( settings->installedZTreeVersions );
// Add default path to the corresponding combo box
ui->CBDataTargetPath->addItem( tr( "Set a new path HERE" ) );
ui->CBDataTargetPath->addItem( QDir::homePath() );
ui->CBDataTargetPath->addItem( QDir::homePath() + "/zTreeData" );
ui->CBDataTargetPath->setCurrentIndex( 2 );
connect( this, &MainWindow::RequestNewDataTargetPath,
this, &MainWindow::GetNewDataTargetPath );
if ( settings->dvipsCmd.isEmpty() || settings->latexCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->lcDataDir.isEmpty() || settings->lprCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->postscriptViewer.isEmpty() || settings->ps2pdfCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->rmCmd.isEmpty() || settings->vncViewer.isEmpty() ) {
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Receipts printing will not work" ),
tr( "Some component essential for receipts creation and"
" printing is missing. No receipts will be created or"
" printed." ), QMessageBox::Ok );
} else {
ui->CBReceiptsHeader->addItems( settings->installedLaTeXHeaders );
if ( settings->defaultReceiptIndex
&& settings->defaultReceiptIndex < ui->CBReceiptsHeader->count() ) {
ui->CBReceiptsHeader->setCurrentIndex( settings->defaultReceiptIndex );
lc::MainWindow::~MainWindow() {
delete ui;
delete valid_items;
bool lc::MainWindow::CheckIfUserIsAdmin() {
if ( settings->localUserName.isEmpty() ) {
QMessageBox messageBox{ QMessageBox::Warning, tr( "User not detectable" ),
tr( "Your user name could not be queryed. The admin tab will be"
" disabled. You won't be able to perform administrative"
" actions but can conduct experiments normally." ),
QMessageBox::Ok };
return false;
qDebug() << "The user's name is:" << settings->localUserName;
return lablib->CheckIfUserIsAdmin();
void lc::MainWindow::DisableDisfunctionalWidgets() {
const QStringList &zTreeEntries = settings->installedZTreeVersions;
if ( zTreeEntries.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBClientNames->setEnabled( false );
//ui->GBzTree->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_FakeName->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartLocalzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
// Disable all z-Leaf killing related buttons if the 'killall' command is not available
if ( settings->killallCmd.isEmpty() ) {
ui->PBKillLocalzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBKillzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
// Disable all functions relying on the labcontrol installation directory if it is not available
if ( settings->lcDataDir.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBClientNames->setEnabled( false );
ui->CBWebcamChooser->setEnabled( false );
ui->GBClientActions->setEnabled( false );
ui->LEFilePath->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_FakeName->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_WebcamChooser->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBBeamFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBChooseFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBKillLocalzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBShowPreprints->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartLocalzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
// Disable 'PBShowPreprints', if 'file_manager' was not set
if ( settings->fileMngr.isEmpty() ) {
ui->PBShowPreprints->setEnabled( false );
// Disable 'PBBoot', if 'network_broadcast_address' was not set
if ( settings->netwBrdAddr.isEmpty() ) {
ui->PBBoot->setEnabled( false );
// Disable 'PBShowORSEE', if 'orsee_command' was not set
if ( settings->browserCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->orseeUrl.isEmpty() ) {
ui->PBShowORSEE->setEnabled( false );
// Disable all widgets needless if 'public_key_path_user' or 'user_name_on_clients' was not set
if ( settings->pkeyPathUser.isEmpty()
|| settings->userNameOnClients.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBClientNames->setEnabled( false );
ui->LEFilePath->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_FakeName->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBBeamFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBChooseFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBKillzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBShutdown->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->RBUseLocalUser->setEnabled( false );
// Disable widgets needless if 'public_key_path_root' was not set
if ( settings->pkeyPathRoot.isEmpty() ) {
ui->RBUseUserRoot->setEnabled( false );
if ( settings->pkeyPathRoot.isEmpty()
&& settings->pkeyPathUser.isEmpty() ) {
ui->GBExecuteOnEveryClient->setEnabled( false );
ui->GBOptionsForAdminActions->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBOpenTerminal->setEnabled( false );
// Disable beam functionality if 'rcp_command' was not set
if ( settings->scpCmd.isEmpty() ) {
ui->LEFilePath->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBBeamFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBChooseFile->setEnabled( false );
// Disable 'PBRunzLeaf' and 'PBStartzLeaf' if 'server_ip' was not set
if ( settings->serverIP.isEmpty() ) {
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
// Disable any actions concerning the clients if 'ssh_command' was not set
if ( settings->sshCmd.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBClientNames->setEnabled( false );
ui->GBClientActions->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_FakeName->setEnabled( false );
ui->LEFilePath->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBBeamFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBChooseFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBKillzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBShutdown->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->TAdminActions->setEnabled( false );
if ( settings->tasksetCmd.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBClientNames->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_FakeName->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartSession->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartLocalzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
// Disable 'PBOpenTerminal' if 'terminal_emulator_command' was not set
if ( settings->termEmulCmd.isEmpty() ) {
ui->GBExecuteOnEveryClient->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBOpenTerminal->setEnabled( false );
// Disable 'PBViewDesktop' if 'vnc_viewer' was not set
if ( settings->vncViewer.isEmpty() ) {
ui->PBViewDesktopViewOnly->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBViewDesktopFullControl->setEnabled( false );
// Disable 'PBBoot' if 'wakeonlan_command' was not set
if ( settings->wakeonlanCmd.isEmpty() ) {
ui->PBBoot->setEnabled( false );
// Deactivate the webcam choosing interface if no webcams are available or the viewer is missing
if ( settings->webcamDisplayCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->webcams.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBWebcamChooser->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_WebcamChooser->setEnabled( false );
if ( settings->wineCmd.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBClientNames->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_FakeName->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
//ui->PBStartSession->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartLocalzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
if ( settings->zTreeInstDir.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBClientNames->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_FakeName->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartSession->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartLocalzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBStartzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
void lc::MainWindow::LoadIconPixmaps() {
if ( settings->lcDataDir.isEmpty() ) {
const QStringList iconNames{ QStringList{}
<< "unknown.png"
<< "off.png"
<< "down.png"
<< "boot.png"
<< "on.png"
<< "zLeaf.png" };
for ( int i = 0; i < ( int )icons_t::ICON_QUANTITY; i++ ) {
if ( !icons[ i ].load( settings->lcDataDir + "/icons/" + iconNames[ i ] ) ) {
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Could not load icon '%1'" ).arg( iconNames[ i ] ),
tr( "The icon in '%1/icons/%2' could not be loaded." )
.arg( settings->lcDataDir ).arg( iconNames[ i ] ), QMessageBox::Ok );
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBKillLocalzLeaf_clicked() {
QString program{ settings->killallCmd };
QStringList arguments;
arguments << "-I" << "-q" << "zleaf.exe";
// Start the process
QProcess killLocalzLeafProc;
QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
killLocalzLeafProc.setProcessEnvironment( env );
killLocalzLeafProc.startDetached( program, arguments );
localzLeavesAreRunning = false;
// Output message via the debug messages tab
qDebug() << program << arguments;
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBPrintPaymentFileManually_clicked() {
ManualPrintingSetup *manPrint = new ManualPrintingSetup{ this };
manPrint->setWindowFlags( Qt::Window );
connect( manPrint, SIGNAL( destroyed( QObject* ) ),
manPrint, SLOT( deleteLater() ) );
connect( manPrint, &ManualPrintingSetup::RequestReceiptsHandler,
this, &MainWindow::StartReceiptsHandler );
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBRunzLeaf_clicked() {
// Check if more than one client is selected and issue a warning message if so
unsigned short int numberOfSelectedClients = 0;
QModelIndexList activatedItems = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activatedItems.cbegin(); it != activatedItems.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
qDebug() << numberOfSelectedClients << "clients are selected.";
if ( numberOfSelectedClients > 1 ) {
QMessageBox messageBox{ QMessageBox::Information, tr( "Too many clients selected" ), tr( "There are too many clients selected in the table view on the left. Please select only one." ), QMessageBox::Ok, this };
} else {
const QString * const fakeName = new QString{ ui->CBClientNames->currentText() };
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activatedItems.cbegin(); it != activatedItems.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->StartZLeaf( fakeName );
delete fakeName;
void lc::MainWindow::on_RBUseLocalUser_toggled(bool checked) {
if ( checked ) {
qDebug() << "'RBUseLocalUser' got toggled.";
void lc::MainWindow::SetupWidgets() {
// Fill the 'CBClientNames' with possible client names and the 'TVClients' with the clients
if ( !settings->GetClients().isEmpty() ) {
valid_items = new QVector< QStandardItem * >;
valid_items->reserve( settings->GetClients().size() );
clients_view_model = new QStandardItemModel{ this };
for ( auto *s : settings->GetClients() ) {
int temp_xpos = s->xPosition - 1, temp_ypos = s->yPosition - 1;
// Check if a client already exists at the given position and skip, if so
if ( clients_view_model->item( temp_ypos, temp_xpos ) ) {
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Double assignment to one position" ),
tr( "Two clients where set for the same position, '%1' will be dropped." ).arg( s->name ) );
// Work to be done for the 'CBClientNames'
ui->CBClientNames->addItem( s->name );
// Work to be done for the 'TVClients'
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem( s->name );
item->setBackground( QBrush( QColor( 127, 255, 127, 255 ) ) );
QVariant v = qVariantFromValue( static_cast< void * >( s ) );
item->setData( v, Qt::UserRole );
item->setIcon( icons[ ( int )icons_t::UNKNOWN ] );
clients_view_model->setItem( temp_ypos, temp_xpos, item );
valid_items->append( item );
ui->TVClients->setModel( clients_view_model );
} else {
QMessageBox messageBox{ QMessageBox::Warning, tr( "Could not construct clients view" ),
tr( "The creation of the clients view failed. Please check the file '/etc/xdg/Labcontrol/Labcontrol.conf'." ), QMessageBox::Ok, this };
ui->CBClientNames->setEnabled( false );
ui->GBClientActions->setEnabled( false );
ui->LEFilePath->setEnabled( false );
ui->L_FakeName->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBBeamFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBChooseFile->setEnabled( false );
ui->PBRunzLeaf->setEnabled( false );
ui->TAdminActions->setEnabled( false );
ui->TVClients->setEnabled( false );
// Fill the 'CBWebcamChooser' with all available network webcams
if ( !settings->webcams.isEmpty() ) {
for ( const auto &s : settings->webcams_names )
ui->CBWebcamChooser->addItem( s );
// Disable the admin tab if the user has no administrative rights and set it up
if ( CheckIfUserIsAdmin() ) {
ui->TAdminActions->setEnabled( true );
ui->L_AdministrativeRights->setText( tr( "You have administrative rights." ) );
} else {
ui->L_AdministrativeRights->setText( tr( "You don't have administrative rights." ) );
ui->L_UserName->setText( tr( "You are user %1" ).arg( settings->localUserName ) );
if ( !settings->userNameOnClients.isEmpty() ) {
ui->RBUseLocalUser->setText( settings->userNameOnClients );
} else {
// Match the QRadioButtons correct groups
userChooseButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup{ this };
userChooseButtonGroup->setExclusive( true );
userChooseButtonGroup->addButton( ui->RBUseLocalUser );
userChooseButtonGroup->addButton( ui->RBUseUserRoot );
// Fill the CBCommandToExecute QComboBox
if ( !settings->userNameOnClients.isEmpty() ) {
ui->CBCommandToExecute->addItems( QStringList{} << "" << "apt update"
<< "apt full-upgrade -y" << "reboot"
<< "rm -rfv /home/" + settings->userNameOnClients + "/.mozilla"
<< "uname -a" );
} else {
ui->CBCommandToExecute->addItems( QStringList{} << "" << "apt update"
<< "apt full-upgrade -y" << "reboot" << "uname -a" );
// Disable buttons which are not configured
// Set the info text in LInfo on the TInfo tab
ui->LInfo->setText( "This is Labcontrol version 2.1.5\n\n\n\n\n\n"
"0day-2016 Henning Prömpers\n"
"2014-2016 Markus Prasser\n"
"2016 - now WiwilabHiwiOrgaization\n\n\n"
"Labcontrol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
"the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n"
"(at your option) any later version.\n\n"
"Labcontrol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
"See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n"
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
"along with Labcontrol. If not, see <>.\n\n\n" );
void lc::MainWindow::StartReceiptsHandler( QString argzTreeDataTargetPath,
bool argReceiptsForLocalClients,
QString argAnonymousReceiptsPlaceholder,
QString argLatexHeaderName, QString argDateString) {
ReceiptsHandler *recHand = new ReceiptsHandler{ argzTreeDataTargetPath,
argLatexHeaderName, argDateString, this };
connect( recHand, &ReceiptsHandler::PrintingFinished,
recHand, &ReceiptsHandler::deleteLater );
void lc::MainWindow::UpdateClientsTableView() {
for ( auto s : *valid_items ) {
state_t state = static_cast< Client* >( s->data( Qt::UserRole ).value<void *>() )->GetClientState();
switch ( state ) {
case state_t::RESPONDING:
s->setBackground( QBrush( QColor( 128, 255, 128, 255 ) ) );
s->setIcon( icons[ ( int )icons_t::ON ] );
case state_t::NOT_RESPONDING:
s->setBackground( QBrush( QColor( 255, 255, 128, 255 ) ) );
s->setIcon( icons[ ( int )icons_t::OFF ] );
case state_t::BOOTING:
s->setBackground( QBrush( QColor( 128, 128, 255, 255 ) ) );
s->setIcon( icons[ ( int )icons_t::BOOT ] );
case state_t::SHUTTING_DOWN:
s->setBackground( QBrush( QColor( 128, 128, 255, 255 ) ) );
s->setIcon( icons[ ( int )icons_t::DOWN ] );
case state_t::ZLEAF_RUNNING:
s->setBackground( QBrush( QColor( 0, 255, 0, 255 ) ) );
s->setIcon( icons[ ( int )icons_t::ZLEAF ] );
case state_t::UNINITIALIZED:
case state_t::ERROR:
s->setBackground( QBrush( QColor( 255, 128, 128, 255 ) ) );
/* Experiment tab functions */
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBBoot_clicked() {
QModelIndexList activatedItems = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activatedItems.cbegin(); it != activatedItems.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBChooseFile_clicked() {
QFileDialog *file_dialog = new QFileDialog{ this, tr( "Choose a file to beam" ), QDir::homePath() };
file_dialog->setFileMode( QFileDialog::Directory );
file_dialog->setOption( QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true );
file_dialog->setOption( QFileDialog::ReadOnly, true );
file_dialog->setOption( QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly, true );
if(file_dialog->exec()) {
qDebug() << "Chose file" << ui->LEFilePath->text() << "for beaming.";
else {
ui->LEFilePath->setText( tr( "File choosing cancelled" ) );
qDebug() << "File choosing cancelled";
delete file_dialog;
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBBeamFile_clicked() {
QModelIndexList activatedItems = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
const QString fileToBeam{ ui->LEFilePath->text() };
if(fileToBeam == ""){
QMessageBox::information(this, "Upload failed", "You didn't choose any folder to upload.");
} else {
//Iterate over the selected clients to upload the file
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activatedItems.cbegin(); it != activatedItems.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->BeamFile( fileToBeam, &settings->pkeyPathUser, &settings->userNameOnClients );
// Inform the user about the path
QMessageBox::information(this, "Upload completed", "The folder was copied to all selected clients.\nThe path on every client is /home/ewfuser/media4ztree" + fileToBeam.mid(fileToBeam.lastIndexOf('/')) +".\nDon't forget to adjust the media path within zTree!");
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBShowORSEE_clicked() {
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBShowPreprints_clicked() {
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBShutdown_clicked() {
// Confirmation dialog
QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
reply = QMessageBox::question(this, "Confirm", "Really shutdown the selected clients?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) {
QModelIndexList activatedItems = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activatedItems.cbegin(); it != activatedItems.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
// Do not shut down the server itself
if ( client->name == "self"){
QMessageBox::information(NULL, "Shutdown canceled", "It is not allowed to shutdown the server itself via labcontrol!");
} else {
} else {
qDebug() << "Canceled shutting down the selected clients";
void lc::MainWindow::on_CBWebcamChooser_activated( int argIndex ) {
if ( argIndex != 0 ) {
QString program{ settings->webcamDisplayCmd };
QStringList arguments;
// Attention argIndex is NOT 0-based
arguments << settings->webcams[argIndex-1];
qDebug() << "Webcam" << arguments << "will be opened";
QProcess showWebcamProcess;
QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
showWebcamProcess.setProcessEnvironment( env );
showWebcamProcess.startDetached( program, arguments );
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBstartBrowser_clicked()
QString argURL = ui->LEURL->text();
bool argFullscreen = ui->CBFullscreen->checkState();
QModelIndexList activated_items = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activated_items.cbegin(); it != activated_items.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->StartClientBrowser( &argURL, &argFullscreen );
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBstopBrowser_clicked()
// Confirmation dialog
QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
reply = QMessageBox::question(this, "Confirm", "Really kill all selected browser instances?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) {
QModelIndexList activated_items = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activated_items.cbegin(); it != activated_items.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->StopClientBrowser( );
} else {
qDebug() << "Canceled stopping all selected browser processes";
// View only VNC button
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBViewDesktopViewOnly_clicked()
QModelIndexList activatedItems = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activatedItems.cbegin(); it != activatedItems.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
// Full control VNC button
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBViewDesktopFullControl_clicked()
QModelIndexList activatedItems = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activatedItems.cbegin(); it != activatedItems.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
/* Session tab functions */
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBStartzLeaf_clicked() {
QModelIndexList activated_items = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activated_items.cbegin(); it != activated_items.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->StartZLeaf( nullptr, ui->LEzLeafCommandline->text() );
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBStartLocalzLeaf_clicked() {
LocalzLeafStarter *localzLeafStarter = new LocalzLeafStarter{ this };
localzLeafStarter->setWindowFlags( Qt::Window );
connect( localzLeafStarter, &LocalzLeafStarter::LocalzLeafRequested,
this, &MainWindow::StartLocalzLeaf );
connect( localzLeafStarter, SIGNAL( LocalzLeafRequested( QString, QString, int ) ),
localzLeafStarter, SLOT( deleteLater() ) );
void lc::MainWindow::StartLocalzLeaf( QString argzLeafName, QString argzLeafVersion,
int argzTreePort ) {
if ( settings->tasksetCmd.isEmpty() || settings->wineCmd.isEmpty()
|| settings->zTreeInstDir.isEmpty() ) {
QProcess startProc;
startProc.setProcessEnvironment( QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment() );
QStringList arguments;
arguments << "0x00000001" << settings->wineCmd
<< QString{ settings->zTreeInstDir + "/zTree_" + argzLeafVersion + "/zleaf.exe" }
<< "/server" << "" << "/channel"
<< QString::number( argzTreePort - 7000 ) << "/name" << argzLeafName;
if ( !settings->localzLeafSize.isEmpty() ) {
arguments << "/size" << QString{ settings->localzLeafSize };
qDebug() << "Start local zLeaf:" << arguments;
startProc.startDetached( settings->tasksetCmd, arguments );
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBStopZtree_clicked()
QString program{ settings->killallCmd };
QStringList arguments;
arguments << "-I" << "-q" << "ztree.exe";
// Confirmation dialog
QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
reply = QMessageBox::question(this, "Confirm", "Really kill all z-Tree instances?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) {
// Kill all z-Tree processes
QProcess killLocalzLeafProc;
QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
killLocalzLeafProc.setProcessEnvironment( env );
killLocalzLeafProc.startDetached( program, arguments );
// Output message via the debug messages tab
qDebug() << program << arguments;
} else {
qDebug() << "Canceled stopping all z-Tree processes";
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBRecoverCrashedSession_clicked()
// TODO: Implement the functionality of the restore session script in here (no zenity script)
QProcess startProc;
startProc.setProcessEnvironment( QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment() );
if ( !settings->restartCrashedSessionScript.isEmpty() ) {
startProc.startDetached( settings->restartCrashedSessionScript);
void lc::MainWindow::on_CBDataTargetPath_activated( int argIndex )
if ( !argIndex ) {
emit RequestNewDataTargetPath();
ui->CBDataTargetPath->setStyleSheet( "" );
// Open a folder chooser dialog for zTree data path
void lc::MainWindow::GetNewDataTargetPath() {
QFileDialog fileDialog{ this };
fileDialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::Directory );
fileDialog.setDirectory( QDir::homePath() );
fileDialog.setOption( QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly, true );
fileDialog.setOption( QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true );
if ( fileDialog.exec() ) {
const QString fileName = fileDialog.selectedFiles().at( 0 );
ui->CBDataTargetPath->addItem( fileName );
ui->CBDataTargetPath->setCurrentText( fileName );
// Dummy function for enabling anonymous receipts section in UI
void lc::MainWindow::on_CBReceiptsHeader_activated(int argIndex)
Q_UNUSED( argIndex );
ui->CBReceiptsHeader->setStyleSheet( "" );
// Anonymous receipients header check box
void lc::MainWindow::on_ChBPrintanonymousreceipts_clicked()
// Start session button actions
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBStartSession_clicked() {
if ( ui->CBzTreeVersion->currentIndex() == 0 ) {
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "No z-Tree version chosen" ),
tr( "A z-Tree version was not chosen, yet. This setting is"
" mandatory." ), QMessageBox::Ok );
const QModelIndexList activatedItems = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
if( !ui->ChBSessionWithoutAttachedClients->isChecked() ) {
if ( !activatedItems.length() ) {
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Canceled, no clients were chosen" ),
tr( "The start of a new session was canceled.\n"
" Some clients have to be selected first or the"
" creation of sessions without clients must be"
" allowed with the checkbox." ) );
QString anonymousReceiptsPlaceholder;
if ( ui->ChBPrintAnonymousReceipts->isChecked() ) {
anonymousReceiptsPlaceholder = ui->CBReplaceParticipantNames->currentText();
QVector< Client* > associatedClients;
for ( auto cit = activatedItems.cbegin(); cit != activatedItems.cend(); ++cit ) {
if ( ( *cit ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *cit ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void* >() );
client->SetSessionPort( ui->SBPort->value() );
client->SetzLeafVersion( ui->CBzTreeVersion->currentText() );
associatedClients.append( client );
this->lablib->StartNewSession ( associatedClients, anonymousReceiptsPlaceholder,
static_cast< quint16 >( ui->SBPort->value() ),
ui->CBzTreeVersion->currentText() );
//Display the command line
QString cmd = this->lablib->getzLeafArgs( ui->SBPort->value(), ui->CBzTreeVersion->currentText()).join(" ");
//Start z-Leaf on selected clients if checkbox is activated
if( ui->ChBautoStartClientZleaf->isChecked() ) {
for ( auto cit = activatedItems.cbegin(); cit != activatedItems.cend(); ++cit ) {
if ( ( *cit ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *cit ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->StartZLeaf( nullptr, cmd );
// Set chosen Port
// Increment port number
int newPort = ui->SBPort->text().toInt() + 1;
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBKillzLeaf_clicked()
QModelIndexList activated_items = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activated_items.cbegin(); it != activated_items.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
/* Admin tab functions */
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBOpenFilesystem_clicked() {
// Determine the correct user to be used
QString * userToBeUsed = nullptr;
if ( ui->RBUseUserRoot->isChecked() ) {
userToBeUsed = new QString{ "root" };
} else {
userToBeUsed = new QString{ settings->userNameOnClients };
QModelIndexList activated_items = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activated_items.cbegin(); it != activated_items.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->OpenFilesystem( userToBeUsed );
delete userToBeUsed;
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBExecute_clicked() {
// Get the command to be executed ...
QString command = ui->CBCommandToExecute->currentText();
// Set the correct public key
QString pkeyPathUser;
if ( ui->RBUseUserRoot->isChecked() ) {
pkeyPathUser = settings->pkeyPathRoot;
} else {
pkeyPathUser = settings->pkeyPathUser;
qDebug() << "Executing command" << command << " on chosen clients.";
QModelIndexList activated_items = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activated_items.cbegin(); it != activated_items.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->OpenTerminal( command, ui->RBUseUserRoot->isChecked() );
// Issue open terminal call
void lc::MainWindow::on_PBOpenTerminal_clicked() {
QString pkeyPathUser;
if ( ui->RBUseUserRoot->isChecked() ) {
pkeyPathUser = settings->pkeyPathRoot;
} else {
pkeyPathUser = settings->pkeyPathUser;
QModelIndexList activated_items = ui->TVClients->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
for ( QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = activated_items.cbegin(); it != activated_items.cend(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).data( Qt::DisplayRole ).type() != 0 ) {
Client *client = static_cast< Client* >( ( *it ).data( Qt::UserRole ).value< void * >() );
client->OpenTerminal( QString{}, ui->RBUseUserRoot->isChecked() );