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* Copyright 2014-2018 Markus Prasser, Tobias Weiss
* This file is part of Labcontrol.
* Labcontrol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Labcontrol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Labcontrol. If not, see <>.
#ifndef CLIENT_H
#define CLIENT_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
class QTimer;
namespace lc {
class ClientPinger;
class Settings;
//! Class which represents the clients in the lab
This class contains elements and functions needed to represent all functions of a client.
class Client : public QObject
enum class EState : unsigned short {
//! The client's state is not yet defined (should only occur directly after client creation)
//! The client is booting but not yet responding
BOOTING = 1 << 1,
//! An error occurred determining the client's state
ERROR = 1 << 2,
//! The client is not responding to pings
//! The client is shutting down but not yet stopped responding
//! The client is responding to pings
RESPONDING = 1 << 5,
//! The client is running a zLeaf
public slots:
//! Sets the STATE of the client to 'ZLEAF_RUNNING'
void SetStateToZLEAF_RUNNING(const QString &argClientIP);
const QString ip;
const QString mac;
const QString name;
const unsigned short int xPosition = 1;
const unsigned short int yPosition = 1;
* \brief Client's constructor
* \param argIP The IP address the represented client has
* \param argMAC The MAC address the represented client has
* \param argName The hostname of the represented client
* \param argXPosition The client's x coordinate in the lab's grid
* \param argYPosition The client's y coordinate in the lab's grid
Client(const QString &argIP, const QString &argMAC, const QString &argName,
const Settings *const argSettings,
const unsigned short int argXPosition,
const unsigned short int argYPosition,
const QString &argPingCmd);
//! Client's destructor
~Client() override;
//! Beams the chosen file to the client's 'media4ztree' directory
@param argFileToBeam The file which shall be beamed to the client's 'media4ztree' directory
@param argPublickeyPathUser The path to the publickey for user login on the clients
@param argUserNameOnClients The name of the user on the clients
void BeamFile(const QString &argFileToBeam, const QString *const argPublickeyPathUser,
const QString *const argUserNameOnClients);
* \brief Boots the client
void Boot();
* \brief DeactiveScreensaver deactivates potentially running screensavers on the client
void DeactiveScreensaver();
//! Returns the current state of the client
@return The current state of the client
EState GetClientState() const
return state;
int GetSessionPort() const
return sessionPort;
* \brief Kills all processes 'zleaf.exe' on the client
void KillZLeaf();
//! Opens a file manager for the client's file system
@param argUserToBeUsed The name of the user on the clients
void OpenFilesystem(const QString *const argUserToBeUsed);
* \brief Opens a terminal for the client
* \param argCommand A command which shall be executed in the terminal window (Pass an empty QString if not wanted)
* \param argOpenAsRoot Run the terminal session as root (true) or as normal user (false)
void OpenTerminal(const QString &argCommand, const bool argOpenAsRoot);
void SetSessionPort(const int argSP)
sessionPort = argSP;
void SetzLeafVersion(const QString &argzLeafV)
zLeafVersion = argzLeafV;
//! Shows the desktop of the given client
void ShowDesktopViewOnly();
void ShowDesktopFullControl();
* \brief Shuts down the client
void Shutdown();
* \brief Starts a zLeaf instance on the client
* @param argFakeName The name the zLeaf instance shall have (if not the default, which is the hostname of the client)
void StartZLeaf(const QString *argFakeName = nullptr, QString cmd = "");
* \brief Opens a browser window on the client
* @param argURL URL to open in clients browser
void StartClientBrowser(const QString *argURL = nullptr, const bool *argFullscreen = nullptr);
* \brief Closes all browser instances
void StopClientBrowser();
const QString &GetzLeafVersion() const
return zLeafVersion;
unsigned short int protectedCycles;
ClientPinger *pinger = nullptr;
QThread pingerThread;
const Settings *const settings = nullptr;
EState state = EState::UNINITIALIZED;
//! QTimer used to trigger pings by pinger's ClientPinger instance
QTimer *pingTimer = nullptr;
int sessionPort = 0;
QString zLeafVersion;
private slots:
void GotStatusChanged(const EState argState);
void RequestAPing();
void PingWanted();
} // namespace lc
#endif // CLIENT_H