@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ public:
* This function takes the number of rows and columns as arguments and creates a game grid of the respective size that it stores into #gameMatrix with randomly picked colors for each cell from #colors .
* \param rows the number of rows.
* \param columns the number of columns.
* \param[in] rows the number of rows.
* \param[in] columns the number of columns.
void initialiseGameMatrix(int rows, int columns);
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ public:
* \brief Constructor for the SameGame class. Takes the colors from #settings and stores them into #colors.
* \todo Why did I not make the amount of rows and columns constants read from #settings as well, like the #QStringList #colors?
* -# it is included in the #settings pointer anyways. no reason to have it being a variable.
* -# because of that, I am not going to group the rows and columns parameters of the constructor and the #initialiseGameMatrix() function like I did for the [selection parameters](#SelectionParameters).
* \param rows the number of rows.
* \param columns the number of columns.
* -# because of that, I am not going to group the rows and columns parameters of the constructor and the #initialiseGameMatrix() function like I did for the [selection parameters](#Cell functions).
* \param[in] rows the number of rows.
* \param[in] columns the number of columns.
SameGame(int rows, int columns);
/*! \} */
@ -60,36 +60,47 @@ public:
* \name Cell functions
* \brief Functions that all use coordinates of a specific cell from the #gameMatrix as parameters.
* \param row Number of the row of cell to be selected.
* \param column Number of the column of the cell to be selected.
* \param[in] row Number of the row of cell to be selected.
* \param[in] column Number of the column of the cell to be selected.
* \{
* \brief getCell returns #gameMatrix[#row][#column].
* \return #QString color at the requested position.
* \param[in] row Number of the row of cell to be selected.
* \param[in] column Number of the column of the cell to be selected.
QString getCell(int row, int column);
* \brief setCell sets the value of #gameMatrix[#row][#column] to #color.
* \param color new color for the requested position.
* \brief setCell sets the value of #gameMatrix[#row][#column] to that of #color.
* \param[in] color new color for the requested position.
* \param[in] row Number of the row of cell to be selected.
* \param[in] column Number of the column of the cell to be selected.
void setCell(int row, int column, QString color);
* \brief checkNeighbour
* \param connectedSet
* \param color
* \brief checkNeighbour checks if input coordinates belong to an existing cell,
* whether or not that cell has already been visited, and if the color of that cell matches the color that is currently getting searched for.
* \param[in,out] connectedSet keeps track of all coordinate pairs of neighbouring cells that have already been selected.
* \param[in] row Number of the row of cell to be selected.
* \param[in] column Number of the column of the cell to be selected.
* \param[in] color the color that we are searching for.
void checkNeighbour(std::set<std::vector<int>> *connectedSet, QString color, int row, int column);
* \brief getConnected
* \param connectedSet
* \param color
* \brief getConnected gets all cells that are connected to the original input cell that share the same color recursively, making use
* of \ref checkNeighbour to verify each new cell that gets examined.
* \param[in,out] connectedSet keeps track of all coordinate pairs of neighbouring cells that have already been selected.
* \param[in] color the color that we are searching for.
* \param[in] row Number of the row of cell to be selected.
* \param[in] column Number of the column of the cell to be selected.
void getConnected(std::set<std::vector<int>> *connectedSet, QString color, int row, int column);
/*! \} */
* \brief deleteCell changes the color in the selected cell to an invalid value so that it will get taken out of the game.