constQStringanonymousReceiptsPlaceholder;//! Placeholder which shall be inserted for participant names if anonymous printing is desired (QString != "")
//! Placeholder which shall be inserted for participant names if anonymous printing is desired (QString != "")
constQStringlatexHeaderName;//! The name of the chosen LaTeX header
constboolprintReceiptsForLocalClients=true;//! True if receipts shall be printed for local clients
QStringzTreeDataTargetPath;//! The path were the data of this zTree instance's session will be saved
ZTree*zTreeInstance=nullptr;//! The session's zTree instance
constQStringzTreeVersionPath;//! The path to the version of zTree used by this session's instance
//! The name of the chosen LaTeX header
//! True if receipts shall be printed for local clients
//! The path were the data of this zTree instance's session will be saved
//! The session's zTree instance
//! The path to the version of zTree used by this session's instance