@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2014-2016 Markus Prasser
* Copyright 2014-2018 Markus Prasser, Tobias Weiss
* This file is part of Labcontrol.
@ -25,127 +25,127 @@
#include "client.h"
#include "settings.h"
lc::Settings::Settings( const QSettings &argSettings, QObject *argParent ) :
QObject{ argParent },
defaultReceiptIndex{ GetDefaultReceiptIndex( argSettings ) },
browserCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "browser_command",
"Opening ORSEE in a browser will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
clientBrowserCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "client_browser_command",
"Opening a browser window on clients will not work.",
argSettings, false ) },
dvipsCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "dvips_command",
"Receipts creation will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
fileMngr{ ReadSettingsItem( "file_manager",
"The display of preprints will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
killallCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "killall_command",
"Killing 'zleaf.exe' instances will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
latexCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "latex_command",
"Receipts creation will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
lcDataDir{ ReadSettingsItem( "labcontrol_data_directory",
"Datapath not set. Labcontrol will missbehave with high propability.",
argSettings, true ) },
localUserName{ GetLocalUserName() },
localzLeafSize{ ReadSettingsItem( "local_zLeaf_size",
"Resolution of local zLeaf window",
argSettings, false ) },
lprCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "lpr_command",
"Receipts printing will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
netstatCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "netstat_command",
"Detection of active zLeaf connections will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
netwBrdAddr{ ReadSettingsItem( "network_broadcast_address",
"Booting the clients will not work.",
argSettings, false ) },
orseeUrl{ ReadSettingsItem( "orsee_url",
lc::Settings::Settings(const QSettings &argSettings, QObject *argParent) :
"Opening ORSEE in a browser will not work.",
argSettings, false ) },
pingCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "ping_command",
"Status updates for the clients will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
postscriptViewer{ ReadSettingsItem( "postscript_viewer",
"Viewing the generated receipts postscript file will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
ps2pdfCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "ps2pdf_command",
"Converting and viewing the generated receipts file will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
pkeyPathRoot{ ReadSettingsItem( "pkey_path_root",
"Administration actions concerning the clients will not be available.",
argSettings, true ) },
pkeyPathUser{ ReadSettingsItem( "pkey_path_user",
"Many actions concerning the clients will not be available.",
argSettings, true ) },
rmCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "rm_command",
"Cleanup of the zTree data target path will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
scpCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "scp_command",
"Beaming files to the clients will not be possible.",
argSettings, true ) },
serverIP{ ReadSettingsItem( "server_ip",
"Starting zLeaves and retrieving client help messages will not work.",
argSettings, false ) },
sshCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "ssh_command",
"All actions concerning the clients will not be possible.",
argSettings, true ) },
tasksetCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "taskset_command",
"Running z-Leaves or z-Tree will be possible.",
argSettings, true ) },
termEmulCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "terminal_emulator_command",
"Conducting administrative tasks will not be possible.",
argSettings, true ) },
userNameOnClients{ ReadSettingsItem( "user_name_on_clients",
"All actions concerning the clients performed by the experiment user will not work.",
argSettings, false ) },
vncViewer{ ReadSettingsItem( "vnc_viewer",
"Viewing the clients' screens will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
wakeonlanCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "wakeonlan_command",
"Booting the clients will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
webcamDisplayCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "webcam_command",
"Displaying the laboratory's webcams will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
webcams{ argSettings.value( "webcams", "" ).toString().split( '|', QString::SkipEmptyParts,
Qt::CaseInsensitive ) },
webcams_names{ argSettings.value( "webcams_names", "" ).toString().split( '|', QString::SkipEmptyParts,
Qt::CaseInsensitive ) },
wineCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "wine_command",
"Running z-Leaves or z-Tree will be possible.",
argSettings, true ) },
wmctrlCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "wmctrl_command",
"Setting zTree's window title to its port number will not work.",
argSettings, true ) },
xsetCmd{ ReadSettingsItem( "xset_command",
"Deactivating the screen saver on the clients will not be possible.",
argSettings, true ) },
zTreeInstDir{ ReadSettingsItem( "ztree_installation_directory",
"zTree will not be available.",
argSettings, true ) },
restartCrashedSessionScript{ ReadSettingsItem( "restart_crashed_session_script",
"Script to be called after session crash",
argSettings, false ) },
adminUsers{ GetAdminUsers( argSettings ) },
installedLaTeXHeaders{ DetectInstalledLaTeXHeaders() },
installedZTreeVersions{ DetectInstalledzTreeVersions() },
clientHelpNotificationServerPort{ GetClientHelpNotificationServerPort( argSettings ) },
chosenzTreePort{ GetInitialPort( argSettings ) },
clients{ CreateClients( argSettings, pingCmd ) },
localzLeafName{ ReadSettingsItem( "local_zLeaf_name",
"The local zLeaf default name will default to 'local'.",
argSettings, false ) },
clIPsToClMap{ CreateClIPsToClMap( clients ) }
argSettings, true)},
"Opening a browser window on clients will not work.",
argSettings, false)},
"Receipts creation will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"The display of preprints will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
killallCmd{ ReadSettingsItem("killall_command",
"Killing 'zleaf.exe' instances will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Receipts creation will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Datapath not set. Labcontrol will missbehave with high propability.",
argSettings, true)},
"Resolution of local zLeaf window",
argSettings, false)},
"Receipts printing will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Detection of active zLeaf connections will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Booting the clients will not work.",
argSettings, false)},
"Opening ORSEE in a browser will not work.",
argSettings, false)},
"Status updates for the clients will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Viewing the generated receipts postscript file will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Converting and viewing the generated receipts file will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Administration actions concerning the clients will not be available.",
argSettings, true)},
"Many actions concerning the clients will not be available.",
argSettings, true)},
"Cleanup of the zTree data target path will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Beaming files to the clients will not be possible.",
argSettings, true)},
"Starting zLeaves and retrieving client help messages will not work.",
argSettings, false)},
"All actions concerning the clients will not be possible.",
argSettings, true)},
"Running z-Leaves or z-Tree will be possible.",
argSettings, true)},
"Conducting administrative tasks will not be possible.",
argSettings, true)},
"All actions concerning the clients performed by the experiment user will not work.",
argSettings, false)},
"Viewing the clients' screens will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Booting the clients will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Displaying the laboratory's webcams will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
webcams{argSettings.value("webcams", "").toString().split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts,
webcams_names{argSettings.value("webcams_names", "").toString().split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts,
"Running z-Leaves or z-Tree will be possible.",
argSettings, true)},
"Setting zTree's window title to its port number will not work.",
argSettings, true)},
"Deactivating the screen saver on the clients will not be possible.",
argSettings, true)},
"zTree will not be available.",
argSettings, true)},
"Script to be called after session crash",
argSettings, false)},
adminUsers{GetAdminUsers(argSettings ) },
clients{CreateClients(argSettings, pingCmd)},
"The local zLeaf default name will default to 'local'.",
argSettings, false)},
// Let the local zLeaf name default to 'local' if none was given in the settings
if ( localzLeafName.isEmpty() ) {
if (localzLeafName.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "'local_zLeaf_name' was not set, defaulting to 'local'";
localzLeafName = "local";
if ( webcams.isEmpty() ) {
if (webcams.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "'webcams' was not properly set. No stationary webcams will be available.";
} else {
qDebug() << "The following webcams where loaded:" << webcams;
@ -153,15 +153,17 @@ lc::Settings::Settings( const QSettings &argSettings, QObject *argParent ) :
qDebug() << "Detected z-Tree versions" << installedZTreeVersions;
lc::Settings::~Settings() {
for ( QVector< Client* >::iterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it ) {
for (QVector<Client *>::iterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) {
delete *it;
bool lc::Settings::CheckPathAndComplain( const QString &argPath, const QString &argVariableName,
const QString &argMessage ) {
if ( !QFile::exists( argPath ) ) {
bool lc::Settings::CheckPathAndComplain(const QString &argPath, const QString &argVariableName,
const QString &argMessage)
if (!QFile::exists(argPath)) {
qDebug() << "The path" << argPath << "specified by" << argVariableName
<< "does not exist:" << argMessage;
return false;
@ -170,89 +172,92 @@ bool lc::Settings::CheckPathAndComplain( const QString &argPath, const QString &
return true;
QVector< lc::Client* > lc::Settings::CreateClients( const QSettings &argSettings,
const QString &argPingCmd ) {
QVector< Client* > tempClientVec;
QVector<lc::Client *> lc::Settings::CreateClients(const QSettings &argSettings,
const QString &argPingCmd)
QVector<Client *> tempClientVec;
// Get the client quantity to check the value lists for clients creation for correct length
int clientQuantity = 0;
if ( !argSettings.contains("client_quantity" ) ) {
if (!argSettings.contains("client_quantity")) {
qWarning() << "'client_quantity' was not set. The client quantity will be guessed"
" by the amount of client IPs set in 'client_ips'.";
clientQuantity = argSettings.value( "client_ips", "" ).toString()
.split( '/', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive ).length();
" by the amount of client IPs set in 'client_ips'.";
clientQuantity = argSettings.value("client_ips", "").toString()
.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive).length();
qDebug() << "'clientQuantity':" << clientQuantity;
} else {
bool ok = true;
clientQuantity = argSettings.value( "client_quantity" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok ) {
clientQuantity = argSettings.value("client_quantity").toInt(&ok);
if (!ok) {
qWarning() << "The variable 'client_quantity' was not convertible to int";
qDebug() << "'clientQuantity':" << clientQuantity;
// Create all the clients in the lab
QStringList clientIPs = argSettings.value( "client_ips" ).toString()
.split( '|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive );
if ( clientIPs.length() != clientQuantity ) {
QStringList clientIPs = argSettings.value("client_ips").toString()
.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive);
if ( clientIPs.length() != clientQuantity) {
qWarning() << "The quantity of client ips does not match the client quantity. Client"
" creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
" creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
return tempClientVec;
qDebug() << "Client IPs:" << clientIPs.join( " / " );
QStringList clientMACs = argSettings.value( "client_macs" ).toString()
.split( '|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive );
if ( clientMACs.length() != clientQuantity ) {
QStringList clientMACs = argSettings.value("client_macs").toString()
.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive);
if (clientMACs.length() != clientQuantity) {
qWarning() << "The quantity of client macs does not match the client quantity. Client"
" creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
" creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
return tempClientVec;
qDebug() << "Client MACs:" << clientMACs.join( " / " );
QStringList clientNames = argSettings.value( "client_names" ).toString()
.split( '|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive );
if ( clientNames.length() != clientQuantity ) {
QStringList clientNames = argSettings.value("client_names").toString()
.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive);
if (clientNames.length() != clientQuantity) {
qWarning() << "The quantity of client names does not match the client quantity. Client"
" creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
" creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
return tempClientVec;
qDebug() << "Client names:" << clientNames.join( " / " );
QStringList clientXPositions = argSettings.value( "client_xpos" ).toString()
.split( '|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive );
if ( clientXPositions.length() != clientQuantity ) {
QStringList clientXPositions = argSettings.value("client_xpos").toString()
.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive);
if (clientXPositions.length() != clientQuantity) {
qWarning() << "The quantity of client x positions does not match the client quantity."
" Client creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
" Client creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
return tempClientVec;
qDebug() << "clientXPositions:" << clientXPositions.join( " / " );
QStringList clientYPositions = argSettings.value( "client_ypos" ).toString()
.split( '|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive );
if ( clientYPositions.length() != clientQuantity ) {
QStringList clientYPositions = argSettings.value("client_ypos").toString()
.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive);
if (clientYPositions.length() != clientQuantity) {
qWarning() << "The quantity of client y positions does not match the client quantity."
" Client creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
" Client creation will fail. No clients will be available for interaction.";
return tempClientVec;
qDebug() << "clientYPositions:" << clientYPositions.join( " / " );
qDebug() << "clientYPositions:" << clientYPositions.join(" / ");
for ( int i = 0; i < clientQuantity; i++ ) {
tempClientVec.append( new Client{ clientIPs[ i ], clientMACs[ i ], clientNames[ i ],
clientXPositions[ i ].toUShort(),
clientYPositions[ i ].toUShort(), argPingCmd } );
for (int i = 0; i < clientQuantity; i++) {
tempClientVec.append(new Client{clientIPs[i], clientMACs[i], clientNames[i],
clientYPositions[i].toUShort(), argPingCmd});
return tempClientVec;
QMap< QString, lc::Client* > lc::Settings::CreateClIPsToClMap( const QVector< Client* > &argClients ) {
QMap< QString, Client* > tempMap;
for ( const auto &s : argClients ) {
tempMap.insert( s->ip, s );
QMap< QString, lc::Client * > lc::Settings::CreateClIPsToClMap(const QVector<Client *>
QMap<QString, Client * > tempMap;
for (const auto &s : argClients) {
tempMap.insert(s->ip, s);
// Get the address of the Client instance in RAM for display
const void *clientPtrAddr = static_cast< const void* >( tempMap[ s->ip ] );
const void *clientPtrAddr = static_cast<const void *>(tempMap[s->ip]);
qDebug() << "Added" << s->name
<< "to 'clientIPsToClientsMap':" << clientPtrAddr;
@ -260,63 +265,67 @@ QMap< QString, lc::Client* > lc::Settings::CreateClIPsToClMap( const QVector< Cl
return tempMap;
QStringList lc::Settings::DetectInstalledLaTeXHeaders() const {
QStringList tempLaTeXHeaders{ "None found" };
QStringList lc::Settings::DetectInstalledLaTeXHeaders() const
QStringList tempLaTeXHeaders{"None found"};
// Detect the installed LaTeX headers
if ( !lcDataDir.isEmpty() ) {
QDir laTeXDirectory{ lcDataDir, "*_header.tex", QDir::Name,
QDir::CaseSensitive | QDir::Files | QDir::Readable };
if ( !laTeXDirectory.exists() || laTeXDirectory.entryList().isEmpty() ) {
if (!lcDataDir.isEmpty()) {
QDir laTeXDirectory{lcDataDir, "*_header.tex", QDir::Name,
QDir::CaseSensitive | QDir::Files | QDir::Readable};
if (!laTeXDirectory.exists() || laTeXDirectory.entryList().isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "Receipts printing will not work. No LaTeX headers could be found in"
<< lcDataDir;
} else {
tempLaTeXHeaders = laTeXDirectory.entryList();
tempLaTeXHeaders.replaceInStrings( "_header.tex", "" );
qDebug() << "LaTeX headers:" << tempLaTeXHeaders.join( " / " );
tempLaTeXHeaders.replaceInStrings("_header.tex", "");
qDebug() << "LaTeX headers:" << tempLaTeXHeaders.join(" / ");
return tempLaTeXHeaders;
QStringList lc::Settings::DetectInstalledzTreeVersions() const {
QStringList lc::Settings::DetectInstalledzTreeVersions() const
QStringList tempInstzTreeVersions;
if ( !zTreeInstDir.isEmpty() ) {
QDir zTreeDirectory{ zTreeInstDir, "zTree_*", QDir::Name,
QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs
| QDir::Readable | QDir::CaseSensitive };
if ( zTreeDirectory.entryList().isEmpty() ) {
if (!zTreeInstDir.isEmpty()) {
QDir zTreeDirectory{zTreeInstDir, "zTree_*", QDir::Name,
QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs
| QDir::Readable | QDir::CaseSensitive};
if (zTreeDirectory.entryList().isEmpty()) {
qWarning() << "No zTree versions could be found in" << zTreeInstDir;
} else {
tempInstzTreeVersions = zTreeDirectory.entryList();
tempInstzTreeVersions.replaceInStrings( "zTree_", "" );
tempInstzTreeVersions.replaceInStrings("zTree_", "");
return tempInstzTreeVersions;
QStringList lc::Settings::GetAdminUsers( const QSettings &argSettings ) {
QStringList lc::Settings::GetAdminUsers(const QSettings &argSettings)
// Read the list of users with administrative rights
if ( !argSettings.contains( "admin_users" ) ) {
if (!argSettings.contains("admin_users")) {
qDebug() << "The 'admin_users' variable was not set."
" No users will be able to conduct administrative tasks.";
" No users will be able to conduct administrative tasks.";
return QStringList{};
} else {
QStringList adminUsers{ argSettings.value( "admin_users", "" ).toString()
.split( '|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) };
qDebug() << "'adminUsers':" << adminUsers.join( " / " );
QStringList adminUsers{argSettings.value("admin_users", "").toString()
.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseInsensitive)};
qDebug() << "'adminUsers':" << adminUsers.join(" / ");
return adminUsers;
return QStringList{};
quint16 lc::Settings::GetClientHelpNotificationServerPort( const QSettings &argSettings ) {
quint16 lc::Settings::GetClientHelpNotificationServerPort(const QSettings &argSettings)
// Read the port the ClientHelpNotificationServer shall listen on
quint16 clientHelpNotificationServerPort = argSettings.value( "client_help_server_port",
0 ).toUInt();
if ( !clientHelpNotificationServerPort ) {
quint16 clientHelpNotificationServerPort = argSettings.value("client_help_server_port",
if (!clientHelpNotificationServerPort) {
qDebug() << "The 'client_help_server_port' variable was not set or set to zero."
" The ClientHelpNotificationServer will be deactivated therefore."
" Clients' help requests will be ignored by the server.";
" The ClientHelpNotificationServer will be deactivated therefore."
" Clients' help requests will be ignored by the server.";
return 0;
} else {
qDebug() << "'clientHelpNotificationServerPort':" << clientHelpNotificationServerPort;
@ -325,37 +334,40 @@ quint16 lc::Settings::GetClientHelpNotificationServerPort( const QSettings &argS
return 0;
int lc::Settings::GetDefaultReceiptIndex( const QSettings &argSettings ) {
int lc::Settings::GetDefaultReceiptIndex( const QSettings &argSettings )
// Read the default receipt index for the 'CBReceipts' combobox
if ( !argSettings.contains( "default_receipt_index" ) ) {
if (!argSettings.contains("default_receipt_index")) {
qDebug() << "'default_receipt_index' was not set. It will default to '0'.";
return 0;
int tempIndex = argSettings.value( "default_receipt_index", 0 ).toInt();
int tempIndex = argSettings.value("default_receipt_index", 0).toInt();
qDebug() << "'defaultReceiptIndex':" << tempIndex;
return tempIndex;
int lc::Settings::GetInitialPort( const QSettings &argSettings ) {
int lc::Settings::GetInitialPort( const QSettings &argSettings )
// Read the initial port number
if ( !argSettings.contains( "initial_port" ) ) {
if (!argSettings.contains("initial_port")) {
qDebug() << "The 'initial_port' variable was not set."
" Labcontrol will default to port 7000 for new zTree instances.";
" Labcontrol will default to port 7000 for new zTree instances.";
int initialPort = argSettings.value( "initial_port", 7000 ).toInt();
int initialPort = argSettings.value("initial_port", 7000).toInt();
qDebug() << "'initial_port':" << initialPort;
return initialPort;
QString lc::Settings::GetLocalUserName() {
const QProcessEnvironment env{ QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment() };
QString lc::Settings::GetLocalUserName()
const QProcessEnvironment env{QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment()};
QString userName;
// For Linux
if ( env.contains( "USER" ) ) {
userName = env.value( "USER", "" );
if ( env.contains("USER")) {
userName = env.value("USER", "");
qDebug() << "The local user name is" << userName;
} else if ( env.contains( "USERNAME" ) ) { // For Windows
userName = env.value( "USERNAME", "" );
} else if (env.contains("USERNAME")) { // For Windows
userName = env.value("USERNAME", "");
qDebug() << "The local user name is" << userName;
} else {
qWarning() << "The local user name could not be queried";
@ -363,17 +375,18 @@ QString lc::Settings::GetLocalUserName() {
return userName;
QString lc::Settings::ReadSettingsItem( const QString &argVariableName,
const QString &argMessage,
const QSettings &argSettings,
bool argItemIsFile) {
if ( !argSettings.contains( argVariableName ) ) {
QString lc::Settings::ReadSettingsItem(const QString &argVariableName,
const QString &argMessage,
const QSettings &argSettings,
bool argItemIsFile)
if (!argSettings.contains(argVariableName)) {
qDebug() << argVariableName << "was not set." << argMessage;
return QString{};
} else {
QString tempString{ argSettings.value( argVariableName ).toString() };
if ( argItemIsFile
&& !CheckPathAndComplain( tempString, argVariableName, argMessage ) ) {
QString tempString{argSettings.value(argVariableName).toString()};
if (argItemIsFile
&& !CheckPathAndComplain(tempString, argVariableName, argMessage)) {
return tempString;
@ -381,11 +394,12 @@ QString lc::Settings::ReadSettingsItem( const QString &argVariableName,
return QString{};
void lc::Settings::SetLocalzLeafSize( QString arg) {
void lc::Settings::SetLocalzLeafSize(QString arg)
localzLeafSize = arg;
void lc::Settings::SetChosenZTreePort( const int argPort ){
void lc::Settings::SetChosenZTreePort(const int argPort)
chosenzTreePort = argPort;