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827 B

  • Parchment Cloak (5 air def only when user's INT >= 150, otherwise 0)
  • Wanderers Cloak (2 earth def normally, but 5 when opponent's INT 325 or more)
  • Lightweight Black Tunic (dark attack icons only dealt when your pets INT is at least 150 and your opponents INT is less than 150.)
  • Patched Magic Hat (It will have the additional 3 physical defence if the user receive air damage from their opponent.)
  • Kiko Skull Pirate Hat (Extra physical icons defended when air is present.)
  • Devious Top Hat and Cane (When air icons are received along with physical icons, the physical defence is doubled. When air icons are received unaccompanied by physical, the weapon will still show physical defence even though nothing actually happens and the damage is not reduced.)
  • Sunblade Replica (Only defends if dark damage is dealt.)